Natural Resource Assistance
About Our Services:
Most services provided to residents begin with a phone call to gain a better understanding of goals and concerns with your property. Once we have a better understanding of your goals and objectives, we can come out to your property and assist you with the development of plan to enhance the conservation of your natural resources.
We provide education workshops, field days, conferences and social media outreach.
We provide planning services that address nutrient management, cover crops, grazing, wildlife and forestry management and provide technical assistance to help cooperators implement conservation practices on their property.
Funding Opportunities:
Muskingum Watershed Conservancy District (MWCD) Programs:
Cover Crop Program is a competitive program that provides rebates to plant cover crops in the MWCD jurisdictional boundary. Approved acres will receive $12/ac. Deadline: July 15th.
Critical Area Seeding Program provides a financial incentive for producers to seed high-risk erosion areas in permanent vegetation for at least 3 years. The areas being targeted are concentrated flow paths through corn and/or soybean fields where a grassed waterway is impractical due to small drainage areas or small field sizes. 100% reimbursement not to exceed $500 per acre with a maximum area of 1 acre.
Livestock Exclusion Fencing Program provides a rebate up to $10,000 per project to keep livestock out of streams and other waterbodies. Producers must follow NRCS standards.
NRCS Programs:
NRCS offers easements, financial assistance, & technical assistance to help agricultural producers and forest owners make and maintain a wide variety of conservation improvements on their land.
Contact the office for more details on these programs.
Agricultural and Forestry Pollution:​
Stark SWCD has State-given responsibility to respond to agricultural and forestry pollution complaints. All pollution abatement complaints are investigated, evaluated and action is recommended to correct the situation. We work with operators and provide technical guidance to get them back into compliance.
Online Resources: